Mike Fleming has just reported in Variety that the star of "titanic" and "the departed" has been attached to "the deep blue goodbye," the first of what could become a franchise of films based on john d. macdonald's travis mcgee series. HERE's my previous LAT piece on the project.
here's fleming:
"Chernin joins Appian Way's DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson-Killoran as producers on a project that has a strong draft by Dana Stevens ("For Love of the Game") that is drawing interest from directors. Amy Robinson is also involved in a producing capacity.
"DiCaprio is in line to play Travis McGee, a self-described beach bum who lives aboard the 52-foot houseboat The Busted Flush, and alleviates his
cash flow problems by hiring on as a "salvage consultant." He recovers property for clients, taking a hefty percentage and getting into a lot of danger and romance in sun-drenched Florida. "The Deep Blue Goodbye," the first of a 21 volume bestselling series, was originally published in 1964."
"DiCaprio is in line to play Travis McGee, a self-described beach bum who lives aboard the 52-foot houseboat The Busted Flush, and alleviates his
cash flow problems by hiring on as a "salvage consultant." He recovers property for clients, taking a hefty percentage and getting into a lot of danger and romance in sun-drenched Florida. "The Deep Blue Goodbye," the first of a 21 volume bestselling series, was originally published in 1964."
the goods news is, this brings us a little closer -- after decades of waiting -- to a real mcgee film. it also suggests the studio will spend money on it. decaprio is a real actor who's deepened in his recent work.
but doesn't he seem at least a little bit wrong? too young? too pretty? too sensitive? too internal for the raw-boned floridian?
readers let me hear from you!
Photo credit: Public domain