Thursday, May 3, 2012

Collecting the Creative Class

MY recent stories on the struggles of the creative class have hit some people hard -- I've gotten more emotional responses from these, I think, than anything I've written in two decades as a cultural journalist. 

(Due to the mean-spirited, anonymous nature of Internet culture, I've also gotten nastier comments than I expected, along with some smaller doses of smart, reasonable criticism.)

In roughest terms, my stories take different angles to look at the same problem -- the decimation of the creative class, which includes artists of all kinds as well as the people who distribute and assess their work -- in recent years due to digital technology, the recession and changing values.

In any case, as I dig deeper into the issue, I wanted to make all of these pieces available to interested readers. Here's the series, so far, in total.

The dream of a laptop-powered "knowledge class" is dead. The media is melting. Blame the economy -- and the Web

Freelance work -- and a strong "brand" -- will never beat a job. Free agency's nice -- but so is health insurance

Are new media companies "digital parasites"? The author of "Free Ride" tells Salon piracy is killing art

The clerk has been killed by the economy, Netflix, iTunes and Amazon. Computers might want your creative job next

One of the coolest creative-class careers has cratered with the economy. Where does architecture go from here?

Taxpayers bail out Wall Street and Detroit. But there's no help, or Springsteen anthem, for struggling creatives

Steal This Album:
What happens if no one pays for music?

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