Friday, December 7, 2012

Los Angeles Gets a Poet Laureate

WELL, folks, the mayor has appointed Eloise Klein Healy the city's first poet laureate. Here's the LA Times story.

Healy and I have a second-hand connection since we've both published on Red Hen Press, so I will not evaluate her work except to say I'm pleased with her appointnent. Here's poet Dana Gioia, who was part of the selection committee, on her commitment to the city:

Healy has devoted her time and energy to building the L.A. literary community. For years she has exhibited the passion and commitment for public service that we looked for in a poet laureate. When she applied for the position, she also wrote a detailed vision of what she hoped to accomplish if she was awarded the position. It was clear from this statement that she not only had a vision of her laureateship but that it was also based in a deep understanding of L.A.'s literary and educational landscape.

A hearty congratulations to Eloise Klein Healy from The Misread City!

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